I'm so happy with how the baby's crib turned out. My biggest fear was that we wouldn't have any room for him, but I bought a "mini" crib, which is about 2/3 the size of a real crib. It was a perfect fit. I made the crib bedding from a matching comforter on Jonah's bed. If you know me, the fact that the crib matches the room decor is a BIG deal. I have a huge list of things to get done before the baby comes which are not directly related to the baby, but atleast I have the baby's crib set up and the baby boy clothes are in the drawers, ready for the big arrival. We are anxious to see this little guy, but I'm glad we have a few more months to prepare ourselves and our kids =)
P.S. Jonah is potty-training and doing great, so when the baby comes I'll only have 2 kids in diapers. I'm thrilled to be done changing his diapers atleast! Yeah!