We are so thrilled to announce the arrival of our 4th child, Miles Griffeth Rapp, on March 9 at 9:13 pm. He weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz, and is 19 inches long. Chis and I had such a great day together as we anxiously awaited his arrival. I was scheduled to be induced, so my mom was able to come and stay with our other children while Chris kept me company as I labored. I was very comfortable and we really had a great time welcoming this little miracle into our lives. We feel extremely blessed to add another healthy baby boy to our family. The kids were so anxious to come and meet him, and at their request, we celebrated Miles's birth with a cute little cake! Jonah is a very proud big brother, and Mia naturally fulfills the motherly role. She was immediately telling little Brady, "Be soft Bwady, don't squeeeeze him". We'll have our hands full just trying to protect our new baby from Brady. Mandi is feeling great and anxious to completely recover. We can't wait to take little Miles home and watch him grow!
Congrats!! I am so happy for you! You look amazing!! What a beautiful family you have created!! I hope your recovery is a speedy one!! We send you all our love!!
Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy. He is such a handsome little guy. You're amazing. Way to go!
He is just beautiful you guys! We are so happy for you! What a wonderful family you are. We love and miss you guys. xoxo The Garcias
He's so darling!!! Congratulations! I want to look like you after I have my next baby.
oh, your sweet little family picture! it made me cry a little. you are all wonderful, Miles is darling. We love you guys and miss you so much.
And I agree with Tracey; you are THE MOST BEAUTIFUL postpartum woman I have ever seen. :)
Congratulations on another beautiful baby! I love his expression in that first picture!
Congratulations! He's a beautiful baby. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and lots of rest :) Thank goodness for Grandmas!
Look at that beautiful family! Congrats on the new little man!!! We are very happy for you guys :) You'll have to let us know what 4 kids is like, still not sure if we are cut out for it :)
Welcome Miles to the family we can't wait to meet you!!! Mandi and Chris Congratulations he is so adorable. You have a great looking family. I'm sure Bella and Miles will be great friends. Congrats again. We love you guys
Ryan, ShaRee, Dallas, & Bella
Congratulations! I can't believe it's been 9 months already (though I'm sure you can). What a beautiful family you have. :)
Congrats Mandi and family! I am so very happy for you! He is super precious! Hope to see you at MOPS on the 26th! :)
Welcome baby Miles! Congrats to your family Mandi and Chris!
Congratulations! He is handsome. Enjoy your time with your sweet family. It goes pretty fast.
Love, The Bruns
oh Mandi he is precious! and i love how proud Mia looks as she's holding him so tight all by herself ;) i cant wait to hold him myself! nope, you sure dont look like you just gave birth...but then again you do pregnant very well too so i'm not surprised :) let me know when you're up for dinner!
Congratulations!! Your adorable litte family keeps getting cuter by the kid!
WOO-HOO!!!! How wonderful to hear the great news that another beautiful baby has joined your family. You all are just gorgeous, and we couldn't be happier for you! Sounds like it was the perfect birth day :)
By the way, it should be illegal to look that good after delivering a baby! Looking way too beautiful, Mandi!
love you guys!
CONGRATS!! What a cute little addition. Glad to hear things went well. Your family picture is adorable. What a great clan you guys have there!
How exciting for you guys! What a perfect little family you have. Mandi, you look AMAZING as usual, for having just given birth--how do you do it??? I'll be excited to see more pics--they change so fast those first few weeks. Congrats!!
He is so beautiful. You look great. Enjoy your sweet little newborn. Love you!
What a beautiful little Miles he is! Congratulations, I can only imagine how happy the other kids are to welcome their new little brother!
I love these pictures and I know I shouldn't be (beceause you ALWAYS are) but I continue to be FLOORED at how beautiful you are after giving birth!! sheesh! amazing.
Very wonderful! I'm glad Chris's Mom gets to be there. What a beautiful family! Thinking of you,
Brent and Lynn Bassett
Congratulations you guys, what a beautiful family. Enjoy your new bundle of joy. We sure miss you guys. Love the Martins
You have such an adorable family!!!
Congratulations. We are so happy for you and your wonderful family. Miles is just as beautiful as all the others.
Congratulations Chris and Mandy!! Miles is beautiful. I am so glad that grandma Phyllis was able to spend time I believe it helps in her healing. Much love and blessings to you and your precious family.
He is just beautiful, so perfect. As is mother, holy cow you look great after having a baby! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations on your sweet new baby boy! He is adorable. Your whole family is adorable. And you always look beautiful. Every picture I see you in I just love your hair--the colors, the length, everything!
Just saw you guys on Facebook and checked out your website again. Miles is darling! All your kids are so cute :) Well, done, guys!
Lisa, Clark, Constance, and Urban Close
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