Mia started crawling in January, and was attempting to walk by mid-February. Life changes fast, I guess! I thought it might take her a while to move around, since she is rather chunky, but she surprised us and was walking at 10 months. It's so cute to see her round little body waddle around the house and Jonah is very excited that they can now chase eachother. We have to remind him that she still is a baby, even though she's moving around more. She's starting to say a few words, "da-da" for daddy, and "hi". She seems to think that the word for telephone is "hi" because that's what she says every time she sees one. It's so cute!
Congrats to Mia!! She looks adorable on her two feet. I can't believe she is that old already. Man, how they grow.
OH MY GOSH! Shes SO grown up! What an absolute DOLL Mandi! She is SO cute! I can't wait to hang out with you guys! You're kiddos are just SUCH early movers and shakers! way to go mia!
Mia is so gorgeous! I can't believe she was walking at 10 months. That's pretty good. I bet between the 2 (almost 3) of them, they keep you pretty busy.
Mia is so cute. I can't believe she is walking already. Your blog is great. You are all so photogenic!!
Mia has the most beautiful blue eyes! I can't believe she's already walking. And Jonah looks so big!
Oh WOW! She's so grown up!! I love how she matches your blog so well in that first shirt. She's just beautiful. We miss you guys and are so excited for #3 to come.
She is so cute and getting so big! So now you have two little walkers to keep track of! That is so fun, and there is no surprise that she is moving along early like her brother did! Such cute kids! Love Jonah's new bike too, and congrats on the potty training!
Awwww, what a big girl! I bet you're so ready to have that baby! His room is so cute! We got Brady a train table like that for his birthday, and after about a week, we had to take it down because he kept demolishing it, and those things are NOT easy to put back together! The screws are a great idea!!!
hey mandi--i can't believe she's walking already. that is crazy. good for you i guess with the new baby coming. do you have a name picked out. so exciting. and jonah on a big kid bike--ummm....ash still can't ride those yet. funny. she randomly the other day said "and that's jonah's house>" i just said yup. funny huh. we miss you guys. good luck these next few months.!!
She is ADORABLE! She has the prettiest blue eyes, I haven't seen her very often. I was surprised at how big she is in her pictures. I can't believe she is walking!
Mia is so cute, I really need to see her in person. And I recognize the outfit! You are really becoming quite the Martha Stewart. I think you'll have to come down and decorate my kids rooms. I guess you're more like Roni than I am, first the train table and then making all the crib bedding out of a second comforter. Wow. Hey I want to see a picture of you prego.
Mandi -
It's Paige (as in from Paige and Brent Jones from way back in provo!!) I found your site off of Tasha's and wanted to say hi. It looks like we have kids very similar in ages (except for your 3rd!!) It's great to see your family. i am adding you to our blog list if that's ok so we can keep in touch. Here's ours:
You all look great!
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