Jonah started pre-school the first week of September. He attends 3 days a week for about 3 hours a day. I wasn't at all nervous or even sad about Jonah growing up, instead I found myself as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. Time seemed to drag as we waited for summer to end and school to start. Jonah couldn't have been more excited. He told everyone that because he was 3 years old, he got to go to school. As I dropped him off on the first day, there were several kids who were crying, but Jonah just gave me a high-five and was off. I was very anxious to hear about his first day of school as I picked him up, and the the first thing he said to me was, "Mommy, can I stay at school longer next time?" Apparantly he had a good time. =) He has a great group of friends that go to this pre-school, including two that drive in our carpool. I just have to drive one day a week, which is awesome! On the days that I don't drive, Jonah is gone for a solid 4 hours! I'm amazed at all I can get done with just 2 kids at home. It's nice to be able to dedicate some individual time to my babies while Jonah is gone. I love hearing about the activities he does, snacks he eats and who he plays with at recess, as well as seeing the pictures and worksheets that come home. When Jonah comes home each day, he seems to have missed me enough to appreciate the time we have together, and I've felt the same. It's been good for both of us. So far, we LOVE pre-school!!
Mandi! I found your blog off of Matt and Amber's! I decided to start one as I headed off to college. Yours is so cute-I love seeing pictures of your kids. Remember when my mom and I came over right after you moved here and Jonah was a newborn little guy?? Can't believe how big he's getting! Let alone you have 3 kids now! So so fun! Hope everything is going well for ya'll!
I can't believe he's big enough for pre-school! It looks like fun!
We miss you guys, as always!
Amen! Preschool is such a fun experience for kids. I think it's great for the younger kids to get time with mommy too. Looks like a wonderful school. Congrats Jonah!
CUTE! He looks just adorable with his backpack !! I agree, it must be so nice to have special time with the littlest ones! miss you guys!
hi mandi! i would totally recommend for sale by owner---just give enough time to sell it. and post your own adds everywhere. you save a bundle in realtor fees. aside from that- hows life? whats your calling after being released from primary? i bet things are crazy around your house--but fun too. we are trying to find a house here---i don't like the "typical" las vegas floorplan though. lots of wasted space and small rooms...one of these days. jason enjoys his job--but he is traveling a LOT right now with the campaign. it will slow down when the new pres gets in. anyway. good luck with the house!
He looks so big! I can't believe he's in preschool. What a big boy! I can't wait until preschool. We have to wait until next fall though. How are your other 2 babies?
Jonah is such a big boy! And Brady too! He is definitely a Rapp! I'll have to say, it was funny when we were thinking of a name for Jayden, we really considered Jonah. I thought that'd be so ironic! You always look so great, and I'm sure you're doing a great job with 3 kids.
Oh wow you are leaving? Where are you guys headed off to?! So sad!!!
Well Mandi Rapp, it has been WAY too long...this is Michelle (McMillan) Olson from dental hygiene school! Whitney was giving me updates on everyone and told me to check out your blog from hers...it was so fun to see what you are up to these days! Looks like life is good! Here's our blog if you ever want to take a peek: http://jaredandchelle.blogspot.com
And we added you to our list of friends...hope you don't mind!
Mandi, it's great to hear from you! I've been reading your blog off and on for awhile after Katherine told me that you two were in the same ward. Funny that we know Lo and Kath. Lo was my best friend and room mate at Ricks, we played volleyball together. I got to know Kath thru Lo and then we became better friends once she moved to Vegas. My husband was their brother Steve's roommate for 2 years also. So we feel pretty close to the Monks. They are a great family!
Oh, my husband is in Dental School as well. He actually was on the wait list for UMKC the first year we applied. He would have been in your husbands class. We are UNLV and we are loving it.
How cute that he gave you a high five and was off to school! And it's good it was easy for you too. That's great that he likes it so much. What a cutie!
What a beautiful family you have! I'm so glad I found your blog.I still can't believe you have 3 kids! That is wonderful. It sounds like life is absolutely wonderful, great, and perfect for you. I couldn't be happier for you. We also have a blog. Check it out. I will have to add you so I can see what is going on with you. Our address is fochsfun.blogspot.com. (PS...this is Sara Bean, now Sara Fochs-I FINALLY got married! HE HE)
We are going to wait until next year to put James in Pre-school. I think he wil love it too. Glad to hear it's been great for you guys as well!
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