We spent the day at Looper's Pumpkin Patch just north of Kansas City. It was a fabulous time together as a family. The best part was that it was FREE. You only had to pay for any pumpkins you wanted to buy. It was perfect for our young family. They provided Hay-rack rides, train rides, triclycles and wagons to play with, kittens to pet and dogs to play with. As we were driving away Jonah said, "That was SO much fun!" As parents, we consider that a successful family outing.
Those pictures are SO CUTE! I can't believe how big your baby is getting. Adorable!
How fun! That really is the perfect day out. Great memories!
What a fun family outing! they are such great pictures! man...it makes me miss your family SO MUCH! :)
What a beautiful family you guys have. That pumpkin patch sounds really fun, I will have to remember that for future years.
any "free" activity is a winner!! i love doing that kinda stuff. looks like it was fun. can't believe how cute and big your kids are....ready for #4. hehe.
Chris your kids are so cute! Looks like you are lovin' life! Shoot, to take a family outing anywhere with 3 kids is accomplishment in my book!! :)
Wow! Goint to the pumpkin patch for free. It costs us an arm load to go to Vala's. Such cute pictures. You're little family should be in the pictures that come in photo frames...you're all just so beautiful.
Definitely a success! Loved the pictures. How is your baby Brady sitting up already?! That time flew way too fast... well, for me at least :)
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