Brady is now 6 weeks old, and I'm feeling back to myself--well, as much as you can as a nursing mom who wakes up several times a night. The real test comes in not taking care of Brady, but taking care of all 3 of my adorable, but needy kids at same time. I loved having help for as long as I did (a full 4 weeks!), but the time had to come for me to mother these kids on my own. Chris's school schedule is ideal this summer, and he gets home in the late afternoon with very little work to do once he's home. That definitely helps. So, after 2 weeks on our own, how are we doing? We're actually o-k-a-y! There are crazy moments everyday when all 3 kids are crying, but I'm actually able to get my house cleaned, go for walks, read a book, and spend some quality time with each of my kids. There are some activities that I'm terrified to even try on my own, but maybe I'll get more brave as time goes on. Chris and I joke that my main objective each day is simple: Feed the kids, and Keep them safe.....mainly from each other! Brady is starting to smile now, which is adorable. Jonah and Mia just love him. Everytime Mia spots him she says in her sweet girly voice as she waves her cute little chubby hand, "Hi Di-Di". Jonah is very good about being gentle with Brady and loves reminding me that he is the "Big Brother" and Mommy's "Big Boy Helper". We feel so blessed to have these sweet children in our home.
What a sweet baby! I think he looks just like Jonah. Glad to hear you are surviving. Thank goodness that Chris has a lighter schedule this summer. I'm sure that will really help out.
Oh, he's just getting cuter! I'm glad things are going okay for you, I wish I were closer so I could help a little... whatever help that would be with a curtain climber of my own!
Love you guys!
i love it!! you seem to be doing well and you sure have a good attitude about it. that is great. your 3 little kids are adorable. i can't believe you already have 3 kids. it seems like yesturday that i only had ash, and you guys all had a little baby. where has it all gone???? you are awesome
Wow, you must be super-mom! I only have two and I still feel like I can't keep up with everything. It looks like Mia just thinks he is so special and Jonah sounds like he is excited to be the big boy of the house.
What sweet pictures!! He is looking more and more like Jonah to me. You are one amazing chick, you have 3 darling kids, you look awesome(especially for just having a baby), and your house is always perfect!! Not to mention you are a great friend:)
mandi! Brady is such an ADORABLE baby! and so happy! you truly are amazing! I would just LOVE to hear what a "typical day" is for you! You are one superwoman! miss ya!
Hey Mandi! Great update. Brady's little smile just melted my heart. Loved it. I hear ya when you talk about all 3 kids needing you at once. A little draining at that moment, but they're so darn cute, how can you resist them?! Your kids will thank you for having them close together in age. They are already becoming such sweet friends! I love that Mia says "Hi Di Di!" to her little buddy. :)
Take care!
Oh Mandi and Chris, what a cutie. Brady is adorable and is looking more like Jonah, but he is most definitely a little Chris. Jonah and Mia are getting so big you don't just have a toddler and a baby anymore! Now a little boy, toddler and a baby. How the roles switch. Well cherish every moment you have with all of them, I am sure its super busy, but a really good kind of busy :) Mandi Thanks again for coming up and reading that for us, have fun can wait to see you all and actually get to hang out, have fun and RELAX!!!!
What cute pictures of little Brady! I can only imgine having 3 under the age of 3, but if anyone can handle it...it's you!! Oh...Happy Birthday to Jonah too. I can't remember the exact date, but I know it just passed! We sure miss you guys and having friends like you guys! So glad you had help for so long, and you have such cute kids.
Those are such adorable pictures!! Brady is getting bigger, but I can't believe Mia. She is growing so fast. What little cuties!!! We need to get together soon. :)
Awwww-could he look anymore like Chris?? He is sooo cute-and there couldn't be a better name for him-LOL. Ok, maybe I’m little biased on that. You're doing so great!
Your kids take the cake...I love them and miss them so much. I can't believe how much baby Brady has changed. Can't wait until the twlight party in December!! Hearts to you :)
Hey Rapps, cute kids. The summer must be going well because you haven't posted in a month. Looking forward to more.
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